Micro Measure IV - Version 5.0217 Last modified: 21-Oct-2004 \u\mm4\doc\readme.txt Important infomation to a user converting from Unix MM4 to MM4 for NT. 1.) MM4 must be run in Windows NT 4 SP6, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. (Windows XP requires Version 5.01 or later) on an NTFS formatted drive. You must have administrator privileges to install. TCP/IP services must also be installed. 2.) The first time that MM4 is run, the XVision server will ask if it can optimize itself. Choose yes. If it does not optimize, see item 16f below. 3.) MM4 NT is based on the latest unix version: 4.65 4.) Machine Files: a.) If running Sharpe controllers, before running a machine, the correct system parameter file must be installed. Failure to do so can result in a machine which vibrates uncontrollably because the servo gains are not set. b.) MM4 still does volumetric compensation, requiring a comp.bin file in the /u/mm4/sys_data/files directory. (Be sure to copy over the comp.asc file and recreate the comp.bin file with the /u/mm4/xeq/comp.exe program to create the comp.bin file.) (See item 14 about binary file compatibility). 5.) The following previously optional packages are now standard: Contour, Sheetmetal, Utilities (includes autoqual), Languages, 321 Alignment and Cadman. 6.) The following items have been removed: Install optional Software, Avail translator, Merge, imbedded card support, and Datapage realtime support (chart, exception, feedbck, and macro). 7.) Do not use the Windows title bar 'X' to close a window. Doing so on some windows (such as the console debug window) will cause a crash. 8.) Com port names: In the SOI->Port Configuration window, the Port name for the controllers will no longer be /dev/tty1a, /dev/tty2a, etc. The new names will be /dev/com/1, /dev/com/2, etc. 9.) Attempting to run MM4 NT in certain NT color settings (such as 65,536 colors) may result in some icons being displayed incorrectly. ('Done' button is just a green box instead of a green check. Abort' button is just a red box instead of a red X). If this situation occurs, simply change the NT color setting to another value, such as 'True Color', etc. This can be done by right clicking on the NT desktop, selecting properties, then clicking on the settings tab. Also, because some windows are slightly larger, running in 1024x768 or higher is also recommended. 10.) MM4 is printing to the default Windows printer, but you still need to have the correct printer selected inside of MM4. Printer 2 and Printer 3 are not available as separate printers. 11.) On shutdown, sometimes it is necessary to manually close the soi window using 'X' after 'Clean-up' is displayed. (RemAv(0), vtc received 0 shutdown requests) 12.) To open a unix 'korn' shell, click on D:\NutCRoot\mksnt\ksh.exe or D:\Program Files\Mkstoo~s\mksnt\ksh.exe. 13.) Access to the vi editor is thru the korn shell only. See item 12. 14.) Due to padding issues between Unix and NT, any binary files (such as libraries, alignments, tipfiles, comp files etc.) will have to be regenerated in NT. To recompile a library in NT, use LibGen.exe: 'LibGen liblist'. Not recompiling a library will cause MM4 to give a 'FindFunc' error. Subroutines should also be recompiled using the DoOne script. (i.e. DoOne MySub) 15.) Any user scripts which contain ascii escape sequences (such as for setting foreground, background color, etc) will be displayed incorrectly in NT console window. This is due to NT not supporting those sequences. It is recommended that users simply remove these sequences. 16.) 'Error: Can't open display: :0.0' error troubleshooting: a.) Inside the control panel, under 'Vision Communications', under the 'Transports' tab, TCP-Unix needs to be set to Available or enabled. For best results, USP-TCP & SPX-Unix should be disabled. b.) Try manually starting the Xvision server by going to Start->programs->vision->Xvision server. Once the Xvision server is running, you should see a green "XV" icon in the system tray (next to the clock). Note: This server should normally start itself about half way through the SOI.exe loading processes. If it doesn't, go to the control panel, click on 'Nutcracker'or 'MKS Toolkit', go into 'NutC 4 Options', pull down to the 'X Windows System Settings' category, change the 'Xserver Setting' from 'none' to 'registered'. Highlight 'SCO XVision' and a green checkmark will appear next to it. Finally click OK. The Xserver will start automatically next time. c.) Make sure that TCP-IP services are installed. Go to the control panel, and click on 'Network'. Under the 'Protocols' tab, 'TCP/IP protocol' should be shown. d.) In the control panel, select 'Vision Profiles'. Make sure that "XVision" is the active profile. If something other than that is displayed (like 'Xremote'), select the profile called "XVision" by pulling down the list Under "Always use this profile" and highlight either XVision. Click Properties->Advanced->Associations->Change->Browse and select the C:\u\mm4\xbm\ folder, change Files of type to All and select bs_icon.bmp. e.) If you get the message "Cannot open default font fixed" when XVision starts, change the font property: Start->Settings->Control Panel->Xvision Profiles Under Properties->Fonts, highlight the D:\PROGRA~1\Vision\FONTS\MISC and Remove Under Properties->Fonts, highlight the D:\PROGRA~1\Vision\FONTS\75DPI and Remove Add->Fonts folder->Add double click 75Dpi and hit the Add button Add->Fonts folder->Add double click Misc and hit the Add button OK button Restart the XVision server (if running) by pointing the mouse at the XV on the task bar, right click, Restart. Note: Occasionally, 100Dpi fonts get loaded instead of the 75Dpi fonts. This will cause some Icon Text in MM4 to be clipped. If doing the above does not show the 75Dpi fonts when adding fonts, they will have to be copied in manually. Copy from the CD the Xvision\Fonts\75Dpi files into the C:\PROGRA~1\Vision\FONTS\75Dpi folder, then repeat item e above. f.) Occassionally, the XVision server will not optimize after the installation. The green XV icon shows up in the task bar next to the system clock, but cannot be accessed by right clicking over the icon. Go into Control Panel->XVision Profiles. Highlight the XVision profile, Properties->Server tab. Under the Advanced Extensions, turn off the GLX Option by unchecking it. Reboot the system and start the XVision server from the Programs->Vision menu. The XVision server should then ask to optimize itself. 17.) In order to make MM4 more like a Windows application, the cursor is no longer being restricted. 18.) When using the tar command from a korn shell, the device name is required: tar t is now tar tf a: tar x is now tar xf a: tar c is now tar cf a: tar r is now tar rf a: l and lf are SCO Unix extensions, use ls -l and ls instead. 19.) 5.0214 contains all the previous patches. 20.) 5.0215 allows the user to see TRACE information while entering them. 21.) 5.0217 removes the 5.0126 change which may cause bad measurements. Until it is determined what caused this, it is suggested that users do not use version 5.0216. 22.) To completely remove Micro Measure IV from the sytem, go into the control panel->Add/remove programs and remove the following: MKS Toolkit SCO XVision Micro Measure IV 23.) The address to download new versions of MM4 Legacy is; ftp://ftp.wilcoxassoc.com 24.) If you upgrade MM4 Legacy, your MUST remove the MM4 Software FIRST, before you install the new software.